According to Google, Blackheads are open skin pores or hair follicles clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. This is more common on most than you think (even if you don’t believe so because people on social media are almost perfect). Blackheads aren’t noticeable unless you 1) prioritize skincare more than anything or 2) aren’t close enough in their face to see.
Moisturize frequently:
In simpler terms, blackheads are open and clogged with oil or dirt. This statement may be redundant from most beauty blogs I do, but please moisturize. Moisturizing twice a day can reduce the chance of you receiving a blackhead and helps to balance your skin barrier, regardless of your skin type.
Use non-comedogenic products:
Non-comedogenic products have ingredients to avoid blocking your pores. It can protect acne-prone skin from having blackheads or any other forms of acne. Non-comedogenic products “clean out” excess sebum and bacteria that may block your pores.
Topical retinoids are one of the top choices for preventing and treating blackheads. Retinoids work by unclogging any pores that may be blocked and using cell turnover to help reduce the chance of getting blackheads and any forms of acne.