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Bedroom Essentials

*Image from Pinterest*

As a teenage girl, you understand that your bedroom is your safe haven; how you spend your precious time and hobbies is in that room. In order to make it a safe haven, you need certain essentials.

Himalayan Salt Lamp:

You can get so many different types of lamps for your room as a starter. If you are looking for dim lighting and a sort of ambiance, aim for a Himalayan salt lamp. They are cute and set the mood for the ongoing night.

Wall Collages/Pictures:

Who doesn’t love a good collage of their favorite artist and/or actor on their wall? They can sure tell a lot about the person (you) by just who they like to listen to or watch.

Cute Color Scheme:

A color scheme sets the entire bedroom into motion. If you have a color or two and are ready to put that pretty palette somewhere, where else would it do good besides your room?


This may be controversial to some, but plants are a cool accessory to have inside your bedroom. The green tends to go with the colors you put in there. It’s pretty and sets a natural mood.


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