*Image from Pinterest*
2024, a new year, it means new beginnings. That doesn’t mean a new year, new you. You’re still the same person, just a little older, and wiser. But! That shouldn’t stop you from improving your well-being.
Sleep more or less:
Depending on where your sleep schedule lies, you’ll either be working to get more or less sleep to be well-rested. The average human sleeps about 7-9 hours so don’t cause yourself too much stress.
Spend less time on electronics:
You can turn your phone on do not disturb and live in the moment. If you are a regular social media user, then you’d know that it’s a struggle to be on an app for too long and find yourself kind of addicted.
Weekly affirmations:
If you say affirmations to yourself, you can have a better day. It’s usually considered a manifesting method but it can be something as simple as a compliment to yourself.
Try something new:
When was the last time you tried something new and enjoyed the activity? Are you looking to make it into a potential hobby? If so, start now and build the habit for the new year so you can have another fun hobby to play around with.