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Hot Girl Mentality

*Image from Pinterest*

Being a hot girl is more than just appearance; it’s about the beautiful energy you bring to the table. There’s a specific mindset girls must build in order to be considered a "hot girl."

One thing a girl needs to realize is that she already has the looks; now she just needs the energy to match them. It’s about how you carry yourself, the energy you give or bring, and how you think.


I don’t think I’ll stress this enough when I say that confidence is more important than anything when creating a mentality built for you. How you think gets you places, and the actions follow behind those words. Confidence isn’t built in a day, just like Rome wasn’t. It takes ages, which could range from weeks to years, to build. You can’t build something if it isn’t for you. Are you alive on this earth to please someone or yourself? Confidence is only for you. No one else is allowed that special treatment, no matter the title given.

Positive Mindset:

Everyone knows this is important. What negative energy gives you is headaches and hours of crying, and that isn't what we want. It doesn’t take months or years to start thinking positively.

Once you begin to think positively, positive things will happen. You think negative, negative things will happen.

The thing to remember is that a positive mindset strengthens your beliefs and/or relationships and friendships.

Impress Yourself, No One Else:

Nobody will or can do it as well as you, so why stress and cry over spoiled milk that was intended to be spoiled? Someone else’s approval is nice, but your opinion matters the most and is better. When you start to focus on yourself inside and out, everyone will focus on you. With a healthy lifestyle, impressing yourself seems like another piece of cake. It opens your mind much more broadly than before.

You are worth more than money can buy, and that should always be true. Whether or not you are confident about these words now, they will stick forever. Now, go build that beautiful mindset!


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