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I firmly believe that everyone who has social media should take a short break, even if it’s for a day. It can help you in the long run if you seem to find yourself too attached to people online and what people are doing. It can be unhealthy.
Improves Mental Health:
Deactivating and/or deleting your account can improve your mental health exponentially. Sometimes we can find ourselves reminiscing on times that were terrible in real life compared to online where it was good.
The World Isn’t As Bad:
Social media can make us compare ourselves to people we don’t know. And we tend to notice small features on our faces that can diminish our confidence and make us feel less than others. Genuinely, I don’t think people notice half of what you notice.
Broadens Your Perspective:
Since you’re free with time on your hands to spend, this opportunity can allow you to explore a hobby you’ve meant to get to or have been wanting to do but have procrastinated on. And it can help to understand other’s perspectives on life that don’t resonate with social media beliefs. One famous example is the dating and relationships.